Constitution of The British Stunt Register
The White House 140A Tachbrook Street Pimlico
London SW1V 2NE
Adopted 1st November 2017
We have formed a professional association known as 'The British Stunt Register' and agree for The British Stunt Register to be regulated by the constitution contained in this document.
Name of The British Stunt Register
Main objectives
Application procedure
Resignation, suspension and expulsion
Appointment and removal of Officers
The Committee
Quorum for Committee meetings
Powers of Committee
General Meeting
Quorum at meetings
Voting at meetings
Miscellaneous matters
Officer signatures
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These definitions apply unless the context requires a different interpretation:
Name of the Club
The name of the association is 'The British Stunt Register'.
Main objectives
The objectives of The British Stunt Register are:
to promote its members to the film & television industry, in the UK and internationally;
to carry on whatever activities the Members may decide;
to strengthen the bonds between The British Stunt Register and the UK film & television industry:
to support and organise various social events from time to time:
to invest any surplus funds, raised through membership fees, in furthering the objects of The British Stunt Register; and
to raise the standard of professionalism, competency and health & safety of the UK stunt industry.
Membership shall be open to men and women over the age of 18, who are residents of the UK or have the appropriate visa or permit to work in the UK, and who have met the application criteria.
It is a condition of Membership that a Member shall, at all times comply with the Constitution and Code of Conduct of The British Stunt Register and promote the interests and objectives of The British Stunt Register.
A Member cannot transfer Membership to any other person.
fApplication and upgrade procedure
An application for membership or an application for upgrade must be made in writing; and submitted to the Committee, in the correct format, along with the application fee, as set out by The British Stunt Register from time to time.
The Committee reserves the right to reject or accept the application for membership or upgrade of The British Stunt Register.
After the Committee makes final determination, the Office Co-ordinator shall notify the applicant in writing about the decision of the Committee and if they are unsuccessful, the reason why.
After a successful application the Office Co-ordinator shall enter the applicant’s name in the register of members whereupon the applicant becomes a Member of The British Stunt Register. In terms of an upgrade, the Office Co-ordinator shall enter the successful candidates details at the correct level in The British Stunt Register database and all documentation appertaining to their upgrade shall be amended accordingly, with immediate effect.
The committee should aim to convene twice per year to approve upgrades and three times per year to approve applications. The frequency and dates to be decided by the committee in the Register’s best interest.
Payment for Membership is for one year.
A Member's annual subscription shall be such as the Committee determine.
Subscriptions are due on the 1st February in every year for the period of 12 months following that date.
Subscriptions are due at the beginning of April each year for the period of twelve months following that date. This amendment supersedes 6.3 by request of the members and committee bylaw.
On first joining the association, a subscription is payable pro rata with a full year, for the period from the joining date to the next subscription date, for new applicants only who are accepted throughout the year. This shall not apply to joining/migrating as a former JISC register member for whom a full year’s subscription is payable.
Resignation, suspension and expulsion
A Member may resign from The British Stunt Register by informing the Office Co-ordinator in writing of their intention to do so. Their resignation will take effect immediately.
The Committee has the power to:
suspend (for a period not exceeding twelve months); or
expel any Member who infringes this Constitution or the Code of Conduct or whose conduct, (in the Committee's opinion) is harmful to the good name of The British Stunt Register or renders them unfit for Membership (either 'the breach' or 'a breach').
fNo Member shall be suspended or expelled unless the Committee gives them notice in writing and they fail to remedy the breach (if capable of remedy, which shall be at the sole discretion of the Committee) within 30 days after being given notice.
The decision to suspending or expel a member of the BSR must be ratified by at least 90% of the Committee.
Any notice given to a Member in breach shall be without prejudice to any other claim or action against the defaulting Member.
A suspended member shall not be elected as an Officer nor be entitled to vote at any meeting.
If a Member chooses to resign or is suspended or expelled in accordance with this paragraph 7, no part of their subscription shall be refundable.
Expulsion shall be permanent.
Each Member agrees and undertakes that they will:
not remove from The British Stunt Register’s premises or copy or download, or allow anyone else to remove, copy or download from any document, computer disk or file, tape or other item or facility which contains any Confidential Information except as may be necessary in the course of his work for The British Stunt Register.
in respect of any part of the Confidential Information of The British Stunt Register, during their Membership and until the expiry of five years from the termination of Membership, keep it secret and not divulge or make it known to anyone nor use it for the benefit of themselves or any other person.
This paragraph does not apply to disclosure:
made with the consent of the Officers or under the authority of the Committee or by order of the court.
of information or knowledge which comes into the public domain otherwise than as a result of his or her default.
as may be necessary in the course of their work for The British Stunt Register.
A specific non-disclosure document shall be signed by the committee members, and other individuals including on behalf of their businesses with whom the BSR shares common interest and data.
The committee shall not divulge information before they have agreed by majority it may be announced, nor any information which may be, but not exclusively, sensitive to a private individual, a member, an investigation or complaint.
fAppointment and removal of Officers
The Officers shall be:
Vice Chairperson
The first Office holders shall hold office for 12 months from the date the first version of this Constitution is adopted, and shall retire after this initial 12 month period.
After the first 12 months, as per paragraph 9.2 above, appointed Office holders shall hold office for a term of two years.
No office holder shall hold office for longer than two terms, being four years in total, without a break of at least one year.
The committee shall identify the most suitable candidates among them to fulfil roles of Office.
The Committee.
The Committee shall maintain a management overview of The British Stunt Register and may appoint a staff member to manage or conduct business on their behalf.
For the first year from the date the first version of this Constitution is adopted, the Committee shall be made up initially of 13 members, which shall be inclusive of the Officers. The Committee will reduce to 12 members from the second and subsequent years, inclusive of the Officers.
After the first year, from the date this Constitution is adopted 7 Committee Members shall retire, 6 Committee members, voted for by the membership, shall remain. 6 Committee members shall then be newly appointed by electronic ballot at the AGM or an EGM. The Committee members shall then retire by rotation, after serving two year terms, with the remaining original 6 Committee Members retiring after the second year.
Dates and constitutional schedules may be altered if the members or committee deem it necessary to call an extra-ordinary election; ergo as required April 2018.
A retiring member of the Committee may apply for re-election.
The committee shall be made up of Member Grades: Stunt Performer, Senior Stunt Performer, Key Stunt Performer and Full Member. Any Member may nominate another eligible Member as designated in this section, to sit on the Committee (including themselves) and may vote to appoint a Committee member with the following exceptions:
fEligibility to be a member of the Committee shall be subject to the following exceptions:
Acknowledging the revised grade criteria 2019, no Probationary BSR member is eligible for nomination.
Members at other grades, must have been a member of either the former JISC register or the BSR or combination thereof for a minimum of 5 years.
Members eligible and nominated for election to the committee must be seconded by a Full Member.
To nominate a Committee member, a Member shall write to the Office-Co-ordinator to give the name of the Member they nominate or submit it via the electronic platform provided. They must do so at least 28 days before the designated election date. The Committee shall present that nomination at the AGM or via other appropriate means (including digital) to all members.
If taking place at the AGM, three Members who are not members of the Committee shall accept the nominations. A poll shall be taken, prior to the AGM, on the appointment to the Committee of each nominated Member. Irrespective of the venue or digital host, an independent scrutineer shall count the votes and declare the results without disclosing the outcome of any Member’s vote. The Members polling the highest number of votes shall be appointed as Committee members. No Member shall vote for their own appointment.
A decision of the Committee on any of the following matters must be ratified by a vote of at least 75% of the Members at the AGM or those participating digitally to:
change the Code of Conduct of The British Stunt Register
change the Constitution of The British Stunt Register regards matters that are not considered internal admin or ‘housekeeping’.
buy or rent any property for the use of The British Stunt Register
dissolve The British Stunt Register
Committee may accept new member and upgrade applications in advance, for review prior to the dedicated application or upgrade meetings.
All Committee members may review and advise on new member and upgrade applications, but no Committee member may approve applications to
grades above their own.
No Committee member will review their own upgrade application, and they shall leave the meeting while a decision is considered.
fQuorum for Committee meetings.
The quorum for Committee meetings may be fixed from time to time by a decision of the Committee, but it must never be fewer than six and unless otherwise fixed it is six from the date the first version of this Constitution is adopted.
If the Committee knows that the total number of Committee members at a meeting will be less than the quorum required, the Committee will require proxy votes from the non-attending members to make up the quorum. If the meeting is not quorate, even with the proxy votes then the Committee must not take any decision other than a decision to adjourn the meeting.
The Committee may, if they deem it necessary, defer to use a secure digital platform to expedite their decision making process when all facts and debate have been available to all committee members. Any such platform shall be kept secure, confidential and follow majority rule.
Powers of Committee
The Committee's powers shall include, but not be limited to:
filling any vacancy on the Committee from among Members until the next AGM;
appointing such sub-committees as they believe necessary. Any sub-committee so appointed shall be accountable to the Committee.
create and amend the Code of Conduct and any by-laws the Committee deems necessary
employing or contracting staff to carry out activities of The British Stunt Register
opening and operating a bank account in the name of The British Stunt Register
managing the financial affairs of The British Stunt Register
taking any action and making any decision it deems necessary to promote the objects of The British Stunt Register.
The AGM of The British Stunt Register shall be held as soon as is practicable following the end of the membership year for the purpose of:
Receiving the reports of the Committee and any sub-committees in relation to The British Stunt Register’s activities;
Receiving and if thought fit approving the accounts in respect of the preceding financial year;
Electing the Committee Members of the British Stunt Register unless an extra-ordinary election alters the term of office and Members may be balloted electronically at an apt time;
Fixing the subscription charges and benefits for Membership, and
fDealing with any other general business of The British Stunt Register.
Each Member shall be entitled to receive 21 days’ notice of an AGM.
The notice shall state the date, time and place of the AGM, and proposals to resolve the matters set out in this paragraph 13.
A Member may raise any matter at the AGM, provided that he has given 14 days’ notice to the Committee to that effect.
General Meetings
A General Meeting shall be convened by the Committee within 28 days of receipt by it of a direction by the majority of Officers or of a requisition signed by at least 20% of the total Members of The British Stunt Register.
No General Meeting shall take place without giving 14 days' notice of the meeting to the Members.
The notice shall state the date, time and place as well as the purpose of the meeting.
Quorum at meetings
The quorum for an AGM or a General Meeting may be fixed from time to time by the Members, except that a quorum must never be fewer than 20% of the Membership.
If an AGM or General Meeting is not quorate, it may only proceed and must not take any decision other than a decision to adjourn the meeting.
Voting at meetings
A Member may vote at an AGM or a General Meeting.
On receiving notice of an AGM or a General Meeting, a Member may elect to vote at that AGM or General Meeting by proxy. The Member must communicate their wish to vote by proxy in writing to the Committee prior to the AGM or General Meeting commencing.
Each Member may have one vote for each decision or vote at an AGM or General Meeting.
In the event of equality of votes for and against a matter, the Chairperson shall have a casting vote.
The Accounting Year of The British Stunt Register shall be from the 1st Week of April each year.
The British Stunt Register shall open a bank account in the name of The British Stunt Register
All membership fees and other money received shall be deposited in The British Stunt Register bank account.
Each payment made from The British Stunt Register bank account shall be co-authorised by the Treasurer or another officer of the committee.
The Office Co-ordinator or other suitable professional shall keep proper accounts of The British Stunt Register.
An independent auditor appointed by the Committee shall audit the accounts of The British Stunt Register annually. This person shall not be disqualified as auditor because they also provide other accounting services to The British Stunt Register.
If the Members vote to dissolve The British Stunt Register, any surplus funds on the winding up shall be distributed equally among the members at the date of the vote to dissolve.
Any assets, money or funds remaining after the settling of any debts and liabilities shall be applied for purposes within the UK, which has similar objects to those of The British Stunt Register.
Miscellaneous matters
Each Member undertakes to provide to The British Stunt Register their current land address, email address and mobile phone number, as often as they are changed together with all information that may be required to communicate with him or her.
In any case where any part or provision of this Constitution is held to be unlawful, void or unenforceable, then that part or provision shall be deemed to be removed from this Constitution so as to leave valid and enforceable the remainder of the Constitution.
Should there be any conflict between this Constitution and any other documentation of The British Stunt Register, then this Constitution shall take precedence.
Any communication to be served on The British Stunt Register or to the Members shall be delivered by hand or sent by first class post or recorded delivery or by email.
In the event of a dispute between the Members, then the Members undertake to attempt to settle the dispute by engaging in good faith with the other in a process of mediation before commencing arbitration or litigation.